
How Serious Are We?

In Remembrance of Her

How serious are we when we pray for our unsaved family?

We think about their life-style and know, from our own experience, that they would be happier if they gave their life to God to follow His plan.

We are concerned that they would be left behind if Jesus returns while they are unsaved. Sadly, I believe that thought is rather vague most of the time.

We seldom think about the possibility of them dying, without warning, at a young age. Even though, we probably do pray daily for their protection.

The mother of two of my grandsons died two days ago from a brain aneurysm. She suddenly went into a coma last week. As far as I know she was unsaved. I prayed all week that somehow, by the grace of God, she would be aware enough to know what was happening and to make her heart right with Jesus. Only God knows. She was 45 years old and was a member of my family until the divorce about 14 years ago.

My heart is so stirred with the realization that she may not have been ready. We do not know a person’s heart and I do not want to judge her, but this is the first time that I have felt such uncertainty about a person who is, or was close to me. In the years past I prayed many prayers for her, and I know God answers prayers, but He does not force Himself on us. He allows each of us to have a free choice, so we may not see our prayers answered in the manner that we expect.

Some would say that I am suffering from guilt. I don’t think so. Guilt does not come from God. I really believe the Holy Spirit is showing me how important and urgent it is for us to continue to make intercession for our family daily. Yes it takes time, but how important is it to you to know that your loved ones are safe in the arms of Jesus?

My family is large and my prayer list is long. It is very difficult in my own strength to be diligent and persistent in my prayers. But I must not give up, because it is a spiritual battle and the devil is not giving up fighting for their souls. That’s why the Holy Spirit has promised to make intercession for us when we grow weary or don’t know how to pray.

As I was praying and weeping for her in the past several days, God gave me this verse… “For the Lord has heard the voice of my weeping. The Lord has heard my supplication; The Lord will receive my prayers.” Psalm 6:8-9
Praise God for His promises of comfort!

Please help me pray for my grandsons to have tender hearts to God and to accept Him as their Savior. They are young men who have always been good kids, but they were not raised in church. I don’t know if they have ever made a true commitment to God. My prayer is that they will realize, Jesus is their peace. 2 Thessalonians 3:5 “Now may the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.”

God is a God of love and even when we can’t understand the bad things that happen in life, we can still trust Him. He knows what He is doing and knows each of our lives from beginning to end.

On Monday, Dorinda at ‘Treasures in Jars of Clay’ wrote this:
Faith says, “God can.”
Hope says, “God will.”
Trust says, “I will serve him still.”

Thank you, Dorinda.
Those have been words of encouragement to me that I really needed this week.

Thank you, to each of you for your prayers.

Blessings to you and your family,


  1. Carolyn,
    I am so sorry to hear about your grandsons'mother. I know the pain because my dad died in 2001 and as far as I know he didn't believe.

    I told him about Jesus,prayed for him and even ask God to do "whatever" so he would believe in Christ. I watched him died on the kitchen floor and my last words to him was "Daddy I love you and Jesus does too."

    Since then God have given me peace in my heart not because I think he might have believed but because I did what God asked me to do...pray. And the choice,well that was left up to my Dad.

    I will be praying for your grandsons and you.


  2. I am so sorry for your loss and will pray for your family and especially those grandsons. May you find comfort in your Heavenly Father's arms.

    My heart has been burdened heavily lately for my lost family members and I have been asking myself if I have been standing in the gap like I should and praying those earnest intercessory prayers that are so very important. We may never know the difference just one prayer may make in someone's life. Thank you for reminding me about these things.

  3. Praying for your family. I pray that I always have an urgency about sharing Jesus with the unsaved.

  4. thank you for remindng us all of the urgency to our prayers.
    God can do anything, but He has chosen to move according to our petitions.

    praying for your grandsons...



Thank you for sharing your comments. They are words of encouragement not only for me, but for others who stop by. I would love to pray with you for your unsaved family and share your praise reports as well. Blessings, Carolyn